Sabtu, 15 April 2017

Bagaimana mengamankan jaringan nirkabel Anda

Bagaimana mengamankan jaringan nirkabel Anda - Orang memiliki waktu karena jaringan nirkabel. Terima kasih kepada penemuan nirkabel. Orang-orang sekarang dapat bekerja dari rumah sementara mengurus anak-anak mereka atau melakukan pekerjaan rumah. Stres tidak lebih dari kemacetan lalu lintas lagi. Ini adalah besar?
Bagaimana mengamankan jaringan nirkabel Anda
Bagaimana mengamankan jaringan nirkabel Anda

Well, ada sesuatu yang Anda harus menyadari. Bekerja dari rumah ketika menggunakan jaringan area lokal nirkabel (WLAN) dapat mengakibatkan pencurian informasi sensitif dan hacker atau virus infiltrasi kecuali jika langkah-langkah yang tepat diambil. Seperti WLAN mengirim informasi melalui gelombang radio, seseorang dengan penerima di daerah Anda bisa mengambil transmisi, sehingga memperoleh akses ke komputer Anda. Mereka dapat memuat virus pada laptop Anda yang bisa ditransfer ke jaringan perusahaan ketika Anda kembali bekerja.

Percaya atau tidak! Sampai dengan 75 persen dari WLAN pengguna tidak memiliki fitur keamanan standar dipasang, sementara 20 persen yang tersisa benar-benar terbuka seperti konfigurasi default tidak aman, tetapi dibuat untuk pengguna untuk memiliki jaringan mereka up dan menjalankan secepat mungkin. Disarankan bahwa router nirkabel titik setup selalu dilakukan meskipun kabel klien.

Anda dapat setup keamanan Anda dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Ubah password administratif default pada router nirkabel titik menjadi sandi yang aman.

2. Aktifkan setidaknya 128-bit enkripsi WEP kartu dan akses point. Mengubah kunci WEP Anda secara berkala. Jika peralatan tidak mendukung setidaknya 128-bit enkripsi WEP, mempertimbangkan menggantinya. Meskipun ada masalah keamanan dengan WEP, ia mewakili tingkat minimum dari keamanan, dan itu harus diaktifkan.

3. mengubah default SSID pada router/akses Anda menunjuk ke sulit ditebak nama. Setup perangkat komputer Anda untuk terhubung ke SSID ini secara default.

4. setup router/akses titik tidak untuk menyiarkan SSID. SSID sama perlu setup pada sisi klien secara manual. Fitur ini mungkin tidak tersedia pada semua peralatan.

5. blok anonim Internet permintaan atau Ping. Pada setiap komputer yang memiliki kartu jaringan nirkabel, properti sambungan jaringan harus dikonfigurasi untuk memungkinkan koneksi ke titik akses jaringan hanya. Koneksi (peer to peer) komputer ke komputer tidak akan diizinkan.

Mengaktifkan penyaringan MAC. Menyangkal Asosiasi untuk jaringan nirkabel untuk alamat MAC yang tidak ditentukan. Mac atau alamat fisik tersedia melalui pengaturan sambungan jaringan perangkat komputer dan fisik yang tertulis pada kartu jaringan. Ketika menambahkan kartu nirkabel baru / komputer ke jaringan, alamat MAC mereka harus terdaftar dengan titik /access router. Router jaringan harus memiliki fitur firewall yang diaktifkan dan Zona Demiliterisasi (DMZ) fitur dinonaktifkan.

Semua komputer harus memiliki firewall pribadi Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang dikonfigurasi dengan benar selain hardware firewall. Anda juga harus memperbarui firmware titik router/akses ketika versi baru menjadi tersedia. Menemukan titik router/akses dari orang asing ini juga membantu sehingga mereka tidak dapat membuat ulang titik router akses ke pengaturan default. Anda bahkan dapat mencoba untuk menemukan titik router/akses di tengah bangunan, bukan dekat jendela untuk membatasi cakupan sinyal di luar gedung.

Tidak ada perlindungan penuh dari jaringan nirkabel Anda, tapi berikut ini menyarankan tips pasti dapat mengurangi risiko Anda mengekspos ke penyerang bertujuan jaringan tidak aman.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

How to Find Cheap Car Insurance

With the increasing expenses of fuel and pretty much every other great or administration we buy, large portions of us are searching for modest auto protection. With regards to shabby auto protection the greater part of us are dumbfounded in the matter of how to approach getting an ease auto protection strategy. There are many elements that impact your auto protection costs definitely. 

For instance, did you realize that the kind of auto you drive will impact the shoddy auto protection you're searching for? On the other hand did you realize that utilizing hostile to robbery gadgets will help decrease your over all auto protection costs? A decent driving record will permit you to get shoddy auto protection? 
How to Find Cheap Car Insurance
The deductible is the sum you pay first out of any claim for a mischance. The auto protection strategy's cost is specifically identified with your deductible. Many people, particularly those with a decent driving record, who have had their protection approach for quite a while, have never thought to be differing their deductible. On the off chance that you have a spotless driving record and are set up for the danger of paying a bigger sum in case of a claim you can spare cash by expanding your deductible. 

Ordinarily you can get modest auto protection by consolidating approaches with you existing insurance agency. For instance on the off chance that you have a property holders protection approach get in touch with them and request rebates for exchanging your auto protection to them. On the off chance that you don't claim a home maybe you have leaseholders protection or life coverage, contact these organizations about the investment funds you could get by exchanging your auto protection over to them. Most insurance agencies are exceptionally pleasing to these solicitations. 

It likewise pays to shop online for your shabby auto protection; Nissan X-Trail, Mobil SUV Paling Tangguh dan Nyaman a large portion of the huge organizations offer an examination of their scope versus different organizations. As you are asking for shabby auto protection cite online make certain to be totally honest in noting the poll. Furthermore, you ought to know when you get your online quote you should catch up with real printed material. 

Whatever your inspiration, with a little work you also can locate the modest auto protection you're searching for.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Things To Do and Places To Visit On Your Dominican Republic Holiday

Dominican Republic doesn‘t only pride itself using its wonderful beaches. They even have great mountain ranges and national parks for people who wish to experience an eco-adventure. Listed below are is a listing of good places to visits and fun things you can do in your Dominican Republic holiday escapade. 

Have a Tour towards the Nation's Capital 
Santo Domingo is Dominican Republic's capital. You will find many historic places and monuments in this region. Many of the places which are worth including with your itinerary will be the following : 

• Columbus Park 
• Puerta de el Conde 
• Plaza de la Cultura 
• Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center 
• The Presidential Palace 
• Paseo de los Indios 
• Centro de los Heroes 

Sewa Rumah Harian di Jogja Dekat Malioboro You may also visit the colonial towns and maybe have a peek from the country's rich past and culture. A tour to the various cathedrals, the Alcazar de Colon, The Pantheon and Fortress Ozama would take your breath away. To discover many of the country's crafts, you are able to visit and shop at Mercado Modelo. 

Columbus Lighthouse 
Christopher Columbus reached the nation in 1942. He made Santo Domingo the very first capital of Spain inside the 

[click to edit]')" onmouseout="UnTip()">" new world ". The remains of Christopher Columbus is said to become buried in this region. Do not forget to visit the Aquarium when visiting the Columbus Lighthouse. Here, you‘ll see Dominican's rich marine life. 

Los Tres Ojos and Puerto Plata 
Longing for some adventure? Have a tour of Dominican Republic's four underground lakes. 3 from the four underground lakes are inside an enormous cavern. Appreciate nature if you take a tour to these lakes. 

Puerto Plata, located inside the North Coast, is among the places that you ought to visit When you‘re in Dominican Republic. The Amber Museum and The Fortress of San Felipe are located in Puerto Plata. You may also experience riding the cable cars in Isabel de Torres. 

Cave of Wonders 
The cave of wonders has a really high archeological value as it‘s the very first natural museum that showcases ancient art inside the Antilles region. 

Lake Enriquillo 

Visit Lake Enriquillo in the country's south coast close to the border separating Dominican Republic and Haiti. Discover the country's natural riches. In this region you can see many endangered species like pink flamingos and iguanas. You may also have a dip at Las Barias and La Descubierta. Lake Enriquilo is located in Isla Cabritos National Park. They assert the sulfured water from the lake may help cure some skin diseases. 

Have a Tour at Cabral 

Bird lovers will discover the town Cabral quite interesting. This can be a town where you‘ll see different bird species. Laguna de Ricon is likewise located in this region. Ride a ship and admire the wonderful lagoon. You may also visit Los Patos, the shortest river on Earth having a length of 200 meters. 

You may also do an outback jeep safari, go biking upon the countryside and maybe have a helicopter tour over Puerto Plata. 

There are a lot of things you are able to do in Dominican Republic. Plan your trip well so that you could get the very best away from your Dominican Republic Holiday !

The Various Dominican Republic Holidays From July To December

All seasons round, the Dominicans, referred to as lovers of festivities, music and celebrations, have holidays that cater to culture, religion, music and everything else in between. Below will be the Dominican Republic holidays which are celebrated inside the country through the entire second half the year. 

A two-week festival begins on the 3rd week of July and continues straight into the following month. It is the Santo Domingo Meringue Festival or El Festival del Merengue de Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo is that the largest city and also the capital from the Dominican Republic. 

The festival showcases the country's own type of music and dance – the Merengue – and practically all Merengue acts of the final few decades, on surface of gastronomic festivals including anything coming from the usual Dominican Republic fair to competitions for example Bartender from the Year Competition and Waiter's Marathon. 

Just a couple of days until the festival, the foundation of Sociedad la Trinitaria is celebrated. 

The highlight of the month is that the celebration from the Fiesta Patria de la Restauracion as well as Restoration Day. This really is celebrated upon the 6th of August to commemorate the country's final independence from Spain inside the year 1863. Festivities are held through the entire nation although the biggest are inside the country's main towns, Santo Domingo and Santiago. 

Two days just before the Restoration Day, people at Salvaleón de Higüey, or just Higüey, celebrate the Festival from the Bulls. 

Fiestas patronales occupy the month of September. On September 14, Santisma Cruz, otherwise referred to as Fiestas De la Santisima Vera Cruz in Spain from in which the feast came from, is celebrated in Valverde province. In La Vega, the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes, otherwise referred to as Our Lady of Mercedes or Our Lady of Mercy, the Patron Saint from the country is celebrated upon the 24th. It‘s an official non-working Dominican holiday. 

The feasts in honor of Patron Saints end with one which commemorates San Miguel in Los Patos, Barahona and Vaca Gorda in Dajabon. 

Similar to the Merengue Festival of July, the Puerto Plata Festival is celebrated every third week from the month. This can be a lively festivity that includes everything that‘s Dominican– food, live bands, parades, and street dances. 

On October 12, the complete nation commemorates the discovery from the Americas by Christopher Columbus upon the holiday formally referred to as Descubrimento de America. Main celebrations are held inside the Faro a Colon, in the tomb of Christopher Columbus, and also at the Cathedral in Santo Domingo. 

This really is then followed from the festivities of Bambula, an African-derived dance, on October 24th. 

November begins using the observation of All Saints day. Six days following this holiday, Dominicans commemorate the Constitution Day, which marks the official signing from the country's first constitution on November 6, 1844. 

Six Fiestas Patronelas are celebrated for this month – Todos Los Santos in San Juan de Maguana on November 1, Santa Lucia in San Juan on November 13, Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza in Valverde and Virgen del Amparo in Barahona which both fall on November 18, Nuestra Senora de Regla in Bani on November 21, and lastly, San Andres in Boca Chica on November 30. 

What could be December without having the festivities? Dominicans celebrate Christmas having a special twist upon the 24th, although anticipation to the coming celebrations commences upon the 1st day from the month. This month is likewise dedicated to the celebration from the Santa Barbara Day upon the 4th. 

On top of those are the different Fiestas Partonales as well as feasts held in honor of the different Patron Saints inside the land. These feasts vary slightly in one town to a different. Celebrations differ due to the traditions surrounding the feasts and also the patron saints, themselves, aren‘t a similar for each town. Nevertheless, these Dominican Republic holidays bring towards the table all that‘s Dominican – music, parade, prayer, and dance. 

The Most Important Dominican Republic Holidays

The very best times from the year to visit the Dominican Republic is during one among its holidays. Delivering the service will provide you with a good taste from the nation's culture and other people. 

The Dominican Republic holidays are roughly divided into three – the official public holidays, the festival holidays, and also the fiestas patronales. National public holidays include secular holidays which are recognized from the Dominican Republic as its official holidays. Usually, these are generally non-working holidays, thus allowing the Dominicans to celebrate like a nation. 

The secular holidays will be the : 

- New Year's Day on January 1 (Celebrations begin on New Year's Eve ) 

- Three Kings as well as Epiphany on January 6 

- Dia de la Altagracia or Our Lady of Altagracia on January 21 (Celebrations are held in honor from the Protector and Queen from the Hearts from the Dominican People. ) 

- Duarte's Day on January 26 (Otherwise referred to as Duarte's Birthday, this celebration is held in commemoration of one among Dominican Republic's founding fathers, Juan Pablo Duarte. ) 

- Independence Day on February 27 (This marks the liberation of Dominican Republic from foreign rule. ) 

- Good Friday on April (As section of the Holy Week or 'Semana Santa', Good Friday is celebrated by 
Dominicans to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ inside the Cavalry. ) 

- Labor Day on May 1 (The nation joins the complete world in celebrating this holiday. ) 

- Corpus Christi, and that is celebrated in June, on the Thursday (This really is celebrated exactly 60 days after Easter to commemorate the institution of perhaps one of the Catholic Church's sacraments – the Holy Eucharist. ) 

- Restoration Day or Día de Restauración on August 16 (This holiday celebrates the liberty regained from the Dominicans after a short period of Spanish occupation. ) 

- Our Lady of las Mercedes on September 4 (This is actually the holiday set aspect in honor from the nation's Patron Saint. ) 

- Constitution Day on November 6 (This marks the day when the very first constitution from the Dominican Republic was created and adopted. ) 

- Christmas Day on December 25 (Although officially starting having a Christmas dinner on December 24th, the Dominicans celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ like a nation upon the 25th. ) 

These secular holidays are mostly celebrated from the entire nation. Subsequent group of holidays inside the Dominican Republic compose mainly of regional festivals. A few of them are : 

- The Cocolo Festival on January 1. This honors the African-European traditions from the Cocolo tribe who migrated to Hispaniola throughout the 16th century. 

- The month-long festival, known as Carnaval, that‘s celebrated by over 100, 000 nationwide. 

- The week-long observance from the 'Semana Santa' in March or April. Church services are held in many towns. This coincides using the Voodo festivals held from the Haitian inside the country. 

- The Puerto Plata Cultural Festival that‘s celebrated in June. It‘s a 3-day long festival that‘s dedicated to Latin music. 

- The Merengue Festival of Santo Domingo from the 3rd week of July and generally towards the 1st week of August. 

- The Festival from the Bulls in Higüey upon the 14th of August. 

- The Jazz Festival that‘s widely celebrated in Cabarete and Sosua. It‘s usually held on the very first week of October. 

- The All Saints Day, which identical to in the remainder of the world, is held upon the 1st day‘s November. 

Finally will be the Fiestas Patronales, the celebrations held in honor from the Patron Saints of the different towns, municipalities and provinces inside the Dominican Republic. There will be many these celebrated in twelve months. A couple of the very most popular patronage holidays will be the : San Felipe from the Puerto Plata Malecon, San Fernando of Monte Cristi, San Juan Bautista of Bani, San Antonio of Bonao and Sosua, and Saint Andrew of Boca Chica. 

The Carnaval And Dominican Republic's Regional Carnaval Traditions

Long before all other Dominican Republic holidays were celebrated, the Dominicans have developed a special kinds of celebration known as Carnaval. Its history stretches as far back as 1500s having a cocktail of tradition which comes from the first Christians that have settled in Hispaniola with substantial contributions coming from the natives from the land along with from early African settlers. 

As then, the folks of Dominican Republic have conducted many of the celebrations inside the country. It isn‘t surprising then that nowadays, centuries after the very first festivities were held, the Carnaval still stands as the foremost eminent Dominican Republic holidays. A fact apparent since the Carnaval is that the only feast that‘s celebrated for a whole month. To top this off, most of the feasts and festivities inside the country are carvanalesque in nature. 

Throughout the month of February, different towns and municipalities conduct their very own Carnavals. Each differ from subsequent, but all equally enjoyable. 

In La Vega, probably the most prominent provinces inside the Dominican Republic, the same first Carnaval took place in 1520. Nowadays, La Vega is known to the liveliest and the majority colorful Carnaval celebrations inside the entire nation. The celebration spans the complete month of February using the highlights from the feast occurring on several Sundays. 

Central towards the Carnaval is that the traditional Carnaval character of each and every province. La Vega adopted a medieval devil which has been the Carnaval character from the province for the final 100 years. The Limping Devil, or as it‘s called inside the native tongue, the 'Diablo Cojuelo', is really a brilliantly colored, artistic recreation of the snake devil. It‘s paraded through the entire site of celebration annually. 

The next largest city inside the nation, Santiago, celebrates Carnaval quite differently from all other cities. To the residents of Santiago, Carnaval is really a bi-annual celebration that‘s held both in February in time to the independence celebrations and pre-Lenten feasts and in August, upon the Day from the Restoration. It‘s in Santiago that almost all battles from the restoration occurred. It really has been this manner since 1867. 

There will be two kinds of traditional Carnaval characters in Santiago – the Lechones (coming from the native roast pork called 'lechon' which was a adopted from the Joyeros from the La Joya ) and also the Pepineros which was a adopted from the Los Pepines. Such as the Diablo Cojuelo, these Carnaval characters are made artistically by combining taffeta, silk, satin and decorative materials like beads, sequence, belts, and mirrored disks. 

In Cotui, celebrations are what others may call, 'world upside down' events. Garbage become highly fashionable, a woman becomes a man, and fragile leaves become armors. 

When one thinks of tradition and colors, the Carnaval in Salcedo is second to none. The principal Carnaval character is that the Diablo which takes up a variety of faces of animals. At the conclusion from the celebrations, the participants rip their costumes apart to symbolize renewal. 

For one that caters to all sorts of influences upon the Dominican Republic's culture, the Carnaval in Puerto Plata provides the very best insights. It combines the spectacle of Medieval Europe with traditional African and Taino elements.